Money No Enough!

Enough said! Who has more to spend than they earn? almost everybody except people stranded on the remote island!


How do you be a master of your money instead of a slave to it?

Read on!!

Wow! This is what all winners need!!


We had always heard lottery winners becoming pauper again after 2-3 years because they are not trained or conditioned to handle money.

I am glad Singapore Pools are doing this for the future of the winners.

Of course, that is if they listen and apply!


Kudos to Singapore Pools!



It is so unbelieveable how others influence your decision badly!


I love this piece of article. It is so close to heart as I had encountered so many supreme “financial advisor” whom tends to give the wrong advice. If they are that good, they probably won’t me in this predicament. Think about it!

The details within is worth understanding and applying!

How To Save?? I eat also not enough! But really?


So that is why you all have been saying?

But really?

What I know is that saving a little more takes some effort. Unless your time is worth $500 per minute, then pls do monitor these little things as they can help you save money and maybe time too.

Watching out for best interest rates, paying off loan by taking another loan of a lower interest, set up automated savings, getting back money from telephone subscriber for overcharging you etc. takes time and money if you don’t bother.

Hence this money can be better use as investment or regular savings if well spent.



Cost of Owning A Car In Singapore – A LOT!!

How Much Do You Need to Earn Before You Even Think of Buying A Car In Singapore?

As I am planning to get a car, I looked through the market and evidently it cost more to get a second hand car than a brand new car!

Don’t get me wrong. the absolute cost of a second hand car is still cheaper than a brand new but the annual depreciation of a new car is lesser than a second hand. Unbelievable!

So how much must you earn to afford a car? Think again.